Consisting of a structure of brick and wood, it was born with the wheel producing motive power through water from the nearby stream, as were all factories of that time.
The factory’s production consisted of cloth for abrasives and striped fabrics for mattresses.
It all began back in 1897
Year in which the factory is builtWhich will become the property of the Gallo family

The grandfather of the current entrepreneur, Carlo Gallo senior, bought the factory and restarted the business that was about to be discontinued in 1958. Around the 1960s he realized that the plant needed to be modernized and installed a hydroelectric turbine to power the factory in which way the looms became mechanical.
1963 – 1987
From production to warehouse
In 1963 the son of Carlo Gallo senior, joined the company and in 1969 built the new factory.
From 1969 to 1987 the factory was used as a warehouse for finished products.
In those years Charles Gallo Sr, lifelong entrepreneur in the textile and apparel trade, as well as artist, playwright, musician e dialect poet, once he passed the baton to his children, he used part of the old structure and the area outside for a place of recreation and entertainment for him and his friends, building a stable for the ponies with which, attached to the buggy, he loved to roam the area.
He also added a bocce court, and a well-stocked wine cellar for “sinojre snacks,” turning the place into a gathering place for the Famija Canavsana of which he was a founder.
In 1987 a fire burned down the entire wooden structure keeping only the brick perimeter walls that still exist today.
Restoration and conversion project
Through the project of restoring and converting the uses, into tourist hotel accommodation, the intention is to return the old factory to “produce” and restore theabsolute sense of well-being that the structure gave to the Gallo family and its guests during those years.
The rehabilitation project also counts on the restoration of theancient water jump that fed the structure, where a hydraulic screw (Archimedes screw) that produces “green” electricity from a renewable source has currently been inserted.
A project totally based on the logic of eco-sustainability and energy independence of the structure.